About Us

吉拿棒台灣獨家總代理 -

塔可屋有限公司創立於1994年,是美國J&J Snack Foods Corporation 台灣獨家總代理,致力於將正宗的歐美甜點帶回台灣。
我們的經典產品-吉拿棒&蝴蝶圈早已在影城形成一股革命性的風潮,不僅讓您無須出國就能隨時品嚐到迪士尼樂園的知名點心,連看電影都能人手一棒,回味無窮,更創造了 「看電影就是要配吉拿棒」的完美連結!
從進口原物料的供應到全省 (含離島)的冷凍物流配送,我們還提供專業的免費技術指導、業務諮詢以及完善的售後服務。

Founded in 1994, CC SNACKS LTD. is the one and only distributor of J&J Snack Foods in Taiwan.
Dedicated to bringing authentic, savory American snacks back to Taiwan, our products can be easily be found in movie theaters, amusement parks etc..
Our classic products - Churro & Pretzel have successfully created a revolutionary phenomenon in the cinemas and transformed the film lovers' eating habits.
Not only have we made the remote Disneyland snacks handy in Taiwan, but we also created a perfect connection between watching movies and eating Churros.
We provide a one-stop-shopping service covering market analysis, business consultation, express delivery, food preparation courses to after-sale services.
Your trusts and supports are what motivate us and we look forward to creating the next food fashion together!